

So, you can all thank me now or later, but I thought that you would all be very happy to know that one of the attorneys that I work for (he's the same one that Ben is doing some landscaping for) said that we can take 2 of his jet skii's down to Powell with us! YAHOO!!!!



i challenge anyone of you to a new and improved iron man. josh was no challenge for me. matt dont even think about it, rachel, i'm not even gonna go there. Tyson... kiss my butt. Mom...... maybe a snow balls chance in hell! hahaha just kidding love you all and miss ya. I cant wait to see ya


And a very special thanks to......

I am just very grateful that I received that award from val for being very computer savy. All I can say is other bloggers just learn from example and soon you might be up with me. But a special thanks to my wife who hasn't even signed up for this but thanks HONEY... Last and not least HERE WE COME POWEL


sticky wickets

cute gabey & em
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Well.... I'm just finishing up with Midterms! (PHEW) and then in two weeks its FINALS time! I just wanted to shout out to MATT who is going through this rough time of life along with me. Just think, after summer semester we get to go and play at Lake Powell with the Fam and then after that JUST ONE MORE SEMESTER!!!! Good luck with all of your classes and remember to get a good nights sleep and a good meal in ya before takin any test!!!! LOVE YA



Just want to say Hi to all my little bloggers. It was great to see all of you this weekend. Hope you all have a Great Week, and remember who you are. Love you Mom


I'm not really used to this, but I am sure excited to figure this stuff out! Cant wait to see everyone's summer pics and hear about what is going on (Sunday chit chat just aint enough) TALK TO YOU ALL SOON!

and the family member of the month goes to...

TYSON! For being compuer savvy enough to post on our family blog. Good work Tyson.


Well all I can say is bueno, I'm glad I'm here and apart of the famous Bateman Blogger. I didn't think getting married to a Bateman had so many benifits like a blogging family. So welcome all and talk to ya soon


testing, testing, 1-2. testing, testing, 3-4. Yo Yo this is motiff, with a shout out to all my peeps out there. This be the new Bateman Blog. Peace Out!

welcome all...

Rach and I decided we should have a family blog...so here we go!