
mr. wakeboard himself

happy birthday joshua. we hope you have a good day. don't work too hard!
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j&k cuties

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Who has Who for Christmas

Ben and Aly have Rachel
Josh and Karen have Dan and April
Matt and Val have Josh and Karen
Dan and April have Matt and Val
Rachel has Tyson and Sarah
Tyson and Sarah have Ben and Aly

It is a Homemade Christmas this year!!!


Happy Birthday Tyson!!

We hope you have a fantastic birthday. We couldn't have picked a cooler brother in law.
May all your wildest dreams come true ;)

Happy Happy Day.
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Christmas draw

I hear we drew names for Christmas at family dinner. Will someone post it so we all know what family we have? And are we doing homemade again this year?



Ok I am just going to tell everybody if you are in provo you need to stop by our apt and see what Sarah has done with decorating our apt for Halloween. Denise you would be very proud of her, she said you taught her everything. So stop by the Olson house and let Sarah wow you.



This is what the boys have been up to!


Just a little update from your old Mom. We had a productive weekend. Ben and Dad got alot done on the wall on the other side of the house. I don't know who has more imagination, but those two did a great job. P.S. Mom got the old TV back in working condition. This week we should be at the WJ house. If you need me, you know where to find me.


Elder Emery

My house is very small and we don´t have a lot. its a two roomplace on top of a members house. We have a kitchen and a little hallway to our room and then a little bathroom with a shower. I wish you could see it so bad! It is so small and lets see what is the right word?? humbling be very grateful for all of the nice things you have k? and the other crazy part is I am in the city here in hermosillo so there are other areas and little town that have less than we do. It is crazy. It is so hot here!!!!!!!!!!! Idon´t know how i am going to survive when it gets up in the 130s! I got my new comp he is a native so we have quite the language barrier. It is so hard!I feel so stupid, I can´t understand anything. Please pray for me lots because I am going to need it. went out to do some contacting for about an hour? That was a little interesting because I have no clue what to say to these people right now but I survived. My comp is a great guy and has helped as much as he can so far im sure he gets tired of saying everything 5 times i feel bad for him. Today has been ok we got up and got ready and then took a bus(this was an interesting experience) back to the offices. where we waited to meet with the pres for a few hours, oh and we had breakfast at this place that made the most delicious and awesome burittos and then I had an interview and we caught a bus back to the house and then walked to this internet place so we could email. did i mention we walk everywhere and it is super hot here? ya even riding the bus is really hot and its super crowded and there is no ac it is definitly a treat!!!!! please pray for me that i will be able to understand and speak the language quickly!!?! well gotta go I love you!!



i thought i would give our site a little overhaul. i wish we would have taken a group picture at lake powell so we could use that as our header...although the picture of grandpa and gabe is pretty cute. eh?


Our cousin Jessica is in need of some family help. Her kids Jackson and Maddison are going to be going off track soon and she is looking for someone who might be able to babysit for her. It's not a permanent thing, just for this off track. If you can help her, or you know of someone who can, please give Jenny a call at 801-833-4949, or call me and let me know. Jess says that she can pay a little bit, but its nothing much. She really needs our help!



Saturday night was probably the smallest Bateman get together in the history of Batemans! But thanks to Josh and Karen for letting us come out! It was way fun to visit and chill, found out a whole lot of new and interesting stuff about the two of you! VIVA LAS VEGAS!!! LOVE YOU ALL